I have been working with Feng Shui for over 20 years.
I designed this training so that you can start from the beginning, from the creation of your personal plan of your home to the annual flying stars.
You do not have to be an artist or architect to be able to apply Feng shui in your life, I help you visualize your home and I give you as many theories and bases as possible in the simplest possible approach. so you can apply Feng shui in all aspects of your life.
Whether it is the aspects of finance, health, love, knowledge, fame, family and success, all that Feng shui will bring you is
Here's what you'll get with this training
Access to the platform 24 hours to be able to do the modules quietly at your ease at a time that suits you.
This training will be available to you A LA VIE without the need for renewal in the future.
Modules include:
1 full video
Reading in PDF format to print or reading on screen
Exercises and objectives to do for each module.
Membre OR
77$Every 6 monthsPlateforme complète- Formation 5 modules de tarot ( Valeur 449$ )
- Formation 8 modules Feng Shui complète ( Valeur 349$ )
- Formation 6 modules Magie blanche ( Valeur 349$ )
- 8 modules complémentaires ( Valeur 495$ )
- BONUS : Ebook La magie des cristaux ( Valeur 37$ )
- BONUS : Ebook La magie des runes ( Valeur 37$ )
- BONUS : Formation J'attire l'argent a MOI ( Valeur 249$ )
- BONUS : Plus de 700 images a colorier ( Valeur 75$ )
- Vidéos intéractifs & plus de 150 PDF a télécharger
- RABAIS DE 90% pour un temps limité
- Mise a jour mensuel + 20% sur tous vos achats en boutique
- Pour aussi peu que 77$ tous les 6 mois
- Ce qui revient a 12.80$ par mois
- Accès 24h / 7 jours