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Membre privilege (1).png
Voici la programmation du mois en cours.
Gratuit - Février 2025 (3).png
DALL·E 2024-12-06 14.48.35 - A magical scene depicting an angel, a fairy, and a wizard wor

Dès ton abonnement, tu auras accès a tous ces guides pour débuter ton parcours et tu auras accès a tous les vidéos

Chakras racine - Ancrage - Ancienne version (2).png

💖 What are the benefits of becoming a privileged member?

By becoming a privileged member, you gain access to a multitude of exclusive resources designed to enrich both your mental and physical health.

You will benefit from eight modules dedicated to personal development , specially designed for those who aspire to take care of themselves holistically.

An exciting eight-week challenge awaits you, providing practical exercises for your personal development and allowing you to actively engage in your journey to wellbeing.

You will receive monthly fact sheets covering a variety of fascinating and essential topics such as chakras, crystals, white magic as guardian of the Earth and the universe , herbs , aromatherapy , green plants and   flowers .

These sheets will help you deepen your understanding and work on your intentions with nature.

Every aspect of this program is designed to enable you to connect more deeply with yourself and the natural environment, enriching your personal and spiritual experience.

Descriptive sheets for each category and challenge are regularly added to the members-only platform, to which you will have access.



Every month

Deviens Maître de ton destin

Valid until canceled

🌟 Nouveau Contenu Exclusif! 🌟

Chaque mois, tu recevras un planning détaillé 📅

Anges gardiens associés à chaque semaine du mois 💖.

Une vidéo de guidance sera déposée avec ton planing 🌈

Le 15 de chaque mois, une autre vidéo sera débloquée 🔑

Nous explorerons ensemble les 7 chakras 🧘‍♀️

pour surmonter les obstacles et progresser 🦋

dans notre développement spirituel 🙏

Ancre 1
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